I promise. I'm still here. I am still planning on finishing this story.
BUT. My basement, like Katie's, is a bit of a sieve, in that it leaks and has cracks and this spring it developed and Honest To Goodness waterfall. Snow is melting and finding its way indoors and it's kind of terrifying.
So my lovely boyfriend and I have been trying really, really hard to fix it up before the rains begin in April. So there is this window of time in which the work has to be done, and since we can't really afford to pay other people to do the work, we're doing it by ourselves. And since it's actually my house, not his, and I bought the house-with-terrible-basement, I can't really abandon the lovely boyfriend to do all the work on his own while I write. It just isn't fair.
What all this means is I have no time for myself, or Katie and Eoin.
But we aim to get most of the work done by the end of March, and then I'm totally recommitting to this project!!!
Love, Jenny